Five Ways Moms Can Make Time to Read and Why They Should

1. Set a Reading Schedule

Just like you schedule appointments and activities for your kids, set a specific time for reading. It could be 15 minutes in the morning before the household wakes up or 20 minutes during your lunch break. Making reading a non-negotiable part of your daily routine helps ensure you get some "me time" with a good book.

2. Involve Your Kids

Turn reading into a family activity. Designate a "family reading hour" where everyone, including the kids, grabs a book and reads together. Not only does this give you time to read, but it also encourages your children to develop a love for reading. Plus, it’s a great way to bond as a family. I also just read the book to my baby.

3. Use Audiobooks

Multitasking moms, rejoice! Audiobooks are a fantastic way to enjoy books while you’re on the go. Listen to a novel while driving, doing household chores, or even while exercising. Audiobooks can transform mundane tasks into enjoyable literary experiences.

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
— Joseph Addison

4. Join a Book Club

Joining a book club, like HEY MOMIE, is a perfect way to stay motivated and make time for reading. Discussing books with others enhances your understanding and enjoyment of the story. Plus, the social aspect is a wonderful bonus. As someone who reads a lot, I’ve found that discussing what I’m reading helps me remember and appreciate the book even more. And let’s face it, we all need a break to talk about something other than baby sleep, school projects and dinner plans.

5. Make Use of Idle Moments

Those little pockets of time throughout your day can add up. Whether you’re waiting for your kids to finish their dance class, sitting in the carpool line, or waiting for a doctor’s appointment, keep a book or an e-reader handy. You’ll be surprised how much reading you can squeeze in during these moments.

Why Moms Should Make Time to Read

Reading is more than just a leisure activity; it’s a vital form of self-care. Here are a few reasons why you should make time for reading:

  • Mental Stimulation: Reading keeps your brain active and engaged. It improves focus, concentration, and cognitive function.

  • Stress Reduction: Getting lost in a good book can provide an escape from daily stressors, helping you relax and unwind.

  • Knowledge and Empathy: Books open your mind to new ideas, perspectives, and cultures, making you more knowledgeable and empathetic.

  • Role Modeling: By making time to read, you’re setting a positive example for your children, showing them the value of lifelong learning.

Join Us at HEY MOMIE Book and Brunch Club

At HEY MOMIE, we understand the challenges moms face in finding time to read. That’s why we’ve created a community where you can share your love for books, enjoy stimulating discussions, and of course, indulge in some delicious brunch. Join us and discover how rewarding making time for reading can be!