A membership
with a mission


We want to recognize and value the agency of mothers, promote self-confidence, advocate work-life balance, and challenge societal norms that limit women's choices and potential as mothers. 

We can’t change the world we are facing (yet), but we can equip and enable ourselves to take control over our decisions and balance our personal aspirations with the responsibilities as parents.

Lifelong Learning

Learning gives us a way to continuously seek out opportunities, grow personally, and be able to stay relevant in a dynamic world.

We want to encourage mothers to acquire knowledge, skills, and personal growth throughout their entire lives. This has many forms, no age, status, or degree. Just your own inspiration and curiosity.


Creating a brave space where moms can connect, relate, and find understanding is essential for us. It gives us support in tough times and encourages us to celebrate the multiple joys of parenting.

This community for mothers is like a supportive tribe of fellow moms who come together to read together, learn from each other, share experiences, advice, and encouragement, and create a sense of belonging.

Our Memberships include

  • We created a truly brilliant community of mothers and mothers-to-be who are supportive and ensure every member’s voice is heard and valued.

  • Our club reads a book each month, but you can read at your own pace or skip it entirely. Choose your preferred format: book, e-book, or audiobook.

  • We host monthly online book discussions that are fun, inspiring, and motivating. Occasionally, we invite authors and literary experts to provide deeper insights into the book and its context.

  • We host monthly play dates/meet-ups in a homey and cozy atmosphere in Berlin. Bring your baby and appetite. Meet moms, babies and eat pizza while chatting and connecting. Truly priceless!

  • We host monthly brunches at a curated restaurant in Berlin and family-style brunches at Aurora’s place. A great place to chit-chat, eat good food and meet other Momies and babies.

  • We host workshops on different topics such as pottery, felting, poetry writing - all baby friendly!

  • We want to bring mothers - and dads sometimes ;) - together to share the joy and pain of parenthood. We host regular events such as our iconic Parent Picnic!

Join Our Community with a
Pay-What-You-Can Membership!

We are excited to invite you to become a member of our village through our unique Pay-What-You-Want membership model. This flexible approach allows you to contribute the amount that feels right for you, while still enjoying all the benefits our community has to offer.

Your Contribution, Your Choice

We understand that everyone's financial situation is different, and we want our community to be inclusive and accessible to all. Whether you can contribute more, less, your membership is important to us and greatly appreciated. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps sustain and grow our community.

HEY MOMIE Membership:


*That’s the recommended contribution.

Why We Suggest 12€ and Our Membership Tiers

You have the freedom to choose the amount you wish to pay, we offer three suggested tiers to help guide your decision. Each tier represents a different level of support and contribution to our community:

4€ per month

  • Purpose: Cover basic operational costs.

  • Benefits: With this membership, you help us keep the lights on and ensure that all essential costs are paid.

    Your contribution is crucial for maintaining the quality and consistency of our services.

8€ per month

  • Purpose: Support our time and effort.

  • Benefits: This tier not only covers operational costs but also supports the time and dedication we put into creating and curating content.

    Your appreciation helps us sustain our passion and commitment to providing you with the best experience.

12€ per month

  • Purpose: Fuel expansion and new offerings.

  • Benefits: By choosing this tier, you enable us to dream bigger. Your generous support allows us to expand our services, develop new events, and offer even more value to our community. This tier helps us grow and innovate, making our community stronger and more vibrant.

If you're a student, between jobs, or experiencing financial difficulties, we're here to help. Simply email us, and we'll gladly offer you a discounted membership so you can continue to be part of our community.

What our members say