Our Why

The idea for HEY MOMIE was born out of a desire to bring moms together in a world that often feels disconnected. “I hated being pregnant so much. I felt lonely, disconnected from society, and not like myself,” Aurora said. Pregnancy was a wild ride, and she found herself feeling very lonely and depressed—despite having a rockstar partner by her side. She longed for connection with pregnant women and mothers who were going through the same hormonal rollercoaster.

Aurora has always been passionate about the power of books to open minds and hearts. Combining this passion with a love for bringing people together, Aurora envisioned a club that would be a haven for those seeking both intellectual stimulation and heartfelt connection.

Aurora pictured moms coming together to spend time, reading good books, learning from each other while enjoying good food, and chatting about life and babies. She wanted to create a safe space for everyone who needed it. That’s how HEY MOMIE was born.

This club is so dear to Aurora's heart, as it represents her dream of creating a supportive and empowering community.

We are happy to have you here and look forward to reading with you!