Empowering, connecting, and inspiring you
on your motherhood journey.

We celebrate and empower motherhood through community, shared knowledge and memorable experiences—your club of mom homies.

Empowering Mothers
Through Community

A mother carries a lot of things, all the time. The pain and joy, the wonderful and sad moments. Mothers are the backbone of society, yet they often lack the support and resources they need to thrive.
At HEY MOMIE, we believe that when mothers are educated, empowered, and connected, they can achieve anything.

By fostering a community of lifelong learners, we aim to enrich the lives of moms and expectant moms, ensuring they have the tools and confidence to navigate motherhood and beyond.

1,260+ Pages

We've collectively devoured more than 626 pages of captivating stories, enlightening non-fiction, and everything in between. Each book we read isn't just a step in our literary journey but a shared adventure that brings us closer together.

115+ Babies

Our club is home to countless moms and their little ones, creating a network of friendships and support systems. From sharing parenting tips to celebrating milestones, we’re more than just another club – we show up for each other.

78+ Coffees

Our gatherings are more than just book discussions. We meet to enjoy good food, great coffee, and even better conversations. Brunches are the heart of our club, where true friendships are forged over shared stories and laughter.

Reading, Eating and Learning together

  • We created a truly brilliant community of mothers and mothers-to-be who are supportive and ensure every member’s voice is heard and valued.

  • Our club reads a book each month, but you can read at your own pace or skip it entirely. Choose your preferred format: book, e-book, or audiobook.

  • We host monthly online book discussions that are fun, inspiring, and motivating. Occasionally, we invite authors and literary experts to provide deeper insights into the book and its context.

  • We host monthly play dates/meet-ups in a homey and cozy atmosphere in Berlin. Bring your baby and appetite. Meet moms, babies and eat pizza while chatting and connecting. Truly priceless!

  • We host monthly brunches at a curated restaurant in Berlin and family-style brunches at Aurora’s place. A great place to chit-chat, eat good food and meet other Momies and babies.

  • We host workshops on different topics such as pottery, felting, poetry writing - all baby friendly!

  • We want to bring mothers - and dads sometimes ;) - together to share the joy and pain of parenthood. We host regular events such as our iconic Parent Picnic!

A lifetime access to a community, regardless of where you are.

No matter where life takes you, our online meetings ensure you can always stay connected, share your love for reading, and build meaningful relationships. Join us and be part of a community that transcends geographical boundaries.

A club for everyone.
Pay-What-You-Can Membership

We want our community to be inclusive and accessible to all. This flexible approach allows you to contribute an amount that feels right for you, while still enjoying all the benefits our community has to offer.

More Info

Moms don't have time to read books.

Five Ways Moms Can Make Time to Read and Why They Should

What our Momies say:

Your questions answered

  • Our club is open to all moms and expectant moms who are looking for a supportive, engaging community. Whether you’re a new mom, a seasoned parent, or anywhere in between, you’re welcome to join us.

  • We meet once a month online. The Berlin moms meet once a month for brunch and playdates.

  • Book meetings are held online via Zoom to accommodate everyone's schedules. Except for the brunches, they are in Berlin.

  • Of course not! Reading the book is only one of many activities. We have plenty of moms who don't read every book, and that is more than okay! Because it is truly so much more. Join the community of fellow moms and you will see!

  • Dive into captivating stories and enlightening non-fiction with us. The community suggests books based on a topic, we curate three and vote for the upcoming book together.

Momie Mail

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